Neurolens in San Diego

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Combat Digital Eye Strain with Neurolens

We all know the feeling of spending too much time in front of our laptops and phones. Prolonged screen use can lead to uncomfortable symptoms, such as headaches, eye fatigue, and neck or shoulder pain—common signs of digital eye strain.

At Total Vision Sports Arena, we offer Neurolens, an innovative solution for digital eye strain symptoms that can help enhance your overall visual comfort.

Neurolens glasses are not your standard prescription eyeglass lenses. They target the underlying causes of digital eye strain by improving how your eyes and brain work together, leading to a more comfortable and relaxed experience while using screens. Reach out to us today to schedule a Neurolens consultation with our eye doctors in San Diego.

Addressing Eye Strain, Neck Pain, & Headaches with Neurolens

If long hours in front of your devices are causing symptoms like eye strain or frequent headaches, Neurolens might be the solution you need. Neurolens glasses can help ease:

Neurolens: Technology Designed for Your Eyes

Neurolens are specially designed lenses that address binocular vision dysfunction (BVD), a condition where your eyes may not align perfectly. Unlike traditional glasses that correct nearsightedness or farsightedness, Neurolens realign visual information, reducing strain on your visual system.

By helping your eyes work together more harmoniously, Neurolens can alleviate the discomfort and fatigue often associated with screen use and other visually demanding activities.

How Neurolens Works to Relieve Discomfort

When your eyes are misaligned, your brain has to work harder to combine the images from both eyes, which can lead to headaches, eye strain, and other discomforts. Neurolens uses advanced prism technology to gently adjust the way light enters your eyes, correcting the misalignment and reducing the strain on your visual system.

Neurolenses aim to provide a more comfortable and enjoyable viewing experience, especially for those who spend long hours in front of screens.

Improve Eye Alignment for Enhanced Comfort

Neurolens glasses offer a wider field of view, reducing the strain on your eyes and brain by correcting misalignment. This balanced visual experience can significantly alleviate the symptoms of digital eye strain, providing clearer, more comfortable vision, even during extended periods of screen time.

Your Personalized Neurolens Evaluation

At Total Vision Sports Arena, we conduct a thorough Neurolens evaluation to ensure this treatment is right for you. Your assessment will include:

  • A discussion about your screen habits and any symptoms you experience
  • A detailed eye health exam to identify any potential concerns
  • An evaluation of how well your eyes work together to detect any alignment issues

Based on these results, your eye doctor can recommend if Neurolens is the best solution for your digital eye strain.

Book Your Neurolens Appointment Today

You don’t have to live with the discomfort of digital eye strain. Schedule a Neurolens consultation with our team at Total Vision Sports Arena and discover how we can help improve your visual experience.

Our Location

We’re conveniently located off Sports Arena Boulevard, right next door to Phil’s BBQ in the Midway District. There’s tons of parking and an accessible stall right in front of our door. Same day appointments available! Welcoming new patients.

Our Address

  • 3750 Sports Arena Blvd.,
    Suite 9
  • San Diego, CA 92110

Contact Information

Our Blog

5 Reasons Your Eyes Are Getting Lighter in Color

Eye Health

If you’ve noticed your eyes getting lighter in color over time, here are five possible reasons why:



Eye Conditions & Diseases

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January 2, 2025
Total Vision

Can Astigmatism Cause Headaches? Signs to Watch For and Treatment Options

Eye Health

Astigmatism has the potential to cause headaches due to the strain your eyes and visual system undergo trying to see and process visual information with astigmatism. […]

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December 13, 2024
Total Vision

What Is a Strong Prescription for Glasses?


A strong glasses prescription is usually when nearsightedness is -5.00 diopters or more or farsightedness is +5.00 diopters or more. Everyone’s vision is a little different, so don’t worry if you need a stronger prescription than your friend. What matters is that it’s right for you, so that you can get out there and enjoy life! […]

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November 13, 2024
Total Vision
Close-up of two different eye colors, one blue and one hazel, side by side.

If you’ve noticed your eyes getting lighter in color over time, here are five possible reasons why:



Eye Conditions & Diseases

Health Conditions & Medications

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A young person with a headache closes their eyes and rubs their face with both of their hands, looking uncomfortable.

Astigmatism has the potential to cause headaches due to the strain your eyes and visual system undergo trying to see and process visual information with astigmatism. […]

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A person holds up their eyeglasses while squinting at their laptop screen.

A strong glasses prescription is usually when nearsightedness is -5.00 diopters or more or farsightedness is +5.00 diopters or more. Everyone’s vision is a little different, so don’t worry if you need a stronger prescription than your friend. What matters is that it’s right for you, so that you can get out there and enjoy life! […]

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