Digital Eye Strain in San Diego

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A Digital Problem in a Digital Age

From computers and smartphones to tablets and TVs, digital devices are a reality of everyday life. But with our ever-increasing reliance on these devices, many Americans are experiencing eye discomfort

This discomfort is caused by digital eye strain (also known as computer vision syndrome). It describes a group of vision and eye-related problems stemming from prolonged computer, tablet, or smartphone use. 

While the symptoms are uncomfortable, there are no long-term consequences to your eye health. At Total Vision Sports Arena, we can help you find comfort and relief while working on digital devices. If you think you’re experiencing digital eye strain, give us a call!

Symptoms of Digital Eye Strain

Digital eye strain can cause any number of symptoms, including: 

  • Sore, tired, burning, or itching eyes
  • Watery or dry eyes
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Headache
  • Sore neck, shoulders, or back
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Eye fatigue or feeling like you can’t keep your eyes open

Causes of Digital Eye Strain 

The devices themselves are only part of the cause of digital eye strain. It’s actually prolonged periods of focusing on one task without a break that causes eye strain, which can also occur when you read or drive long distances without a break. 

Eye strain is more common with digital device use because digital screens make the eyes work harder. Screen glare, poor contrast, poor posture, and uncorrected vision problems can also exacerbate symptoms. 

Preventing Digital Eye Strain

Fortunately, you can take some simple steps to help reduce your eye strain symptoms. 

Simply giving your eyes frequent breaks throughout the day can sometimes help reduce your discomfort. To remember to take a break, follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. These breaks give your eyes time to relax, refocus, and readjust.

Changing your workspace can also help. Follow proper workplace ergonomics if you work at a desk, and try: 

  • Reducing glare on your computer screen by using an anti-glare screen.
  • Changing the lighting in your environment to reduce contrast with your computer screen.
  • Adjusting your screen brightness or contrast to match your environment. 
  • Correcting your computer posture to reduce strain on your neck and back.  

Book Your Appointment Today

Although digital eye strain is simple to treat and won’t lead to long-term vision problems, its symptoms are similar to other health conditions and eye issues. Our team at Total Vision Sports Arena can help figure out the cause of your symptoms with a comprehensive eye exam. So please call us – we’ll investigate your symptoms and get you back to working comfortably!

Our Location

We’re conveniently located off Sports Arena Boulevard, right next door to Phil’s BBQ in the Midway District. There’s tons of parking and an accessible stall right in front of our door. Same day appointments available! Welcoming new patients.

Our Address

  • 3750 Sports Arena Blvd.,
    Suite 9
  • San Diego, CA 92110

Contact Information

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