Adult & Senior Eye Exams
in San Diego

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Long-Term Care for Healthy Eyes

Our eyes are extraordinary organs. We rely on our eyes more than any other sensory organ to explore, learn about, and experience the world around us. Second only to our brains, our eyes are the most complex organ in the human body. 

This complexity makes our eyes fragile and delicate. They need specialized care from knowledgeable, experienced, and compassionate eye care professionals. At Total Vision Sports Arena, we care about how your eyes work. And with the strength of Total Vision behind us, we can provide thorough, cutting-edge eye exams that provide a genuinely personalized experience. 

Please book your appointment today and see how our team can help you!

Why Are Eye Exams Important? 

Eye exams go beyond just determining your visual acuity and updating your current prescription. They’re essential for detecting and diagnosing vision-threatening eye diseases before they become too advanced to treat. 

We become more susceptible to eye health risks as we get older. Age causes many changes in our eyes and can lead to age-related eye conditions like presbyopia, cataracts, and macular degeneration. Eye exams are also valuable for detecting other health conditions not obviously related to your eyes, like diabetes, heart conditions, and lupus

Regular eye exams allow us to monitor changes in your eye health so we can identify warning signs of underlying eye problems earlier and more accurately. 

How Often Do You Need Eye Exams?

Everybody is different – your eye care needs are personal and unique to you. How often you need an eye exam depends on these needs, your medical history, and specific health concerns. So, until we get to know you and your eyes, we’d like to see you every year for a comprehensive eye exam. This schedule will allow us to establish a baseline for your eye health.

If you are low risk, we may recommend the frequency recommended by the American Optometric Association:

  • Adults 18 to 64: Every 2 years
  • Adults 65 and older: Every year

If you’re high-risk, we’ll likely need to see you every year or more. You may be considered high-risk if you: 

Trust Your Eye Care Team at Total Vision Sports Arena

Our knowledgeable and experienced eye care team is here to help with all your vision needs. From eye disease diagnosis to trendy or classic eyewear, we offer total vision care!

Our Location

We’re conveniently located off Sports Arena Boulevard, right next door to Phil’s BBQ in the Midway District. There’s tons of parking and an accessible stall right in front of our door. Same day appointments available! Welcoming new patients.

Our Address

  • 3750 Sports Arena Blvd.,
    Suite 9
  • San Diego, CA 92110

Contact Information

Our Blog

Can I Wear Contact Lenses in the Pool?

Contact Lenses

Can I wear contact lenses in the pool? 

The short answer is no—it’s not safe to swim with contact lenses due to risks like infections and eye irritation. […]

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January 22, 2025
Total Vision

5 Reasons Your Eyes Are Getting Lighter in Color

Eye Health

If you’ve noticed your eyes getting lighter in color over time, here are five possible reasons why:



Eye Conditions & Diseases

Health Conditions & Medications

Lifestyle factors […]

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January 2, 2025
Total Vision

Can Astigmatism Cause Headaches? Signs to Watch For and Treatment Options

Eye Health

Astigmatism has the potential to cause headaches due to the strain your eyes and visual system undergo trying to see and process visual information with astigmatism. […]

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December 13, 2024
Total Vision
Smiling swimmer in a black cap adjusting their goggles at the side of the pool.

Can I wear contact lenses in the pool? 

The short answer is no—it’s not safe to swim with contact lenses due to risks like infections and eye irritation. […]

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Close-up of two different eye colors, one blue and one hazel, side by side.

If you’ve noticed your eyes getting lighter in color over time, here are five possible reasons why:



Eye Conditions & Diseases

Health Conditions & Medications

Lifestyle factors […]

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A young person with a headache closes their eyes and rubs their face with both of their hands, looking uncomfortable.

Astigmatism has the potential to cause headaches due to the strain your eyes and visual system undergo trying to see and process visual information with astigmatism. […]

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