Our Practice in San Diego

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Proudly Serving
San Diego for
Over 30 Years

At Total Vision Sports Arena, we’re passionate about your eyes. Seriously. From fashionable, functional eyewear to comprehensive vision care, we do it all. Our top priorities are to ensure your eyes remain healthy and happy and your vision remains clear and comfortable. 

We do this by offering the latest in advanced diagnostic technology and a team that genuinely cares. We’re committed to establishing an extraordinary standard of care that goes above and beyond the standard eye exam. 

Our eye doctors offer a full scope of services to those in Mission Hills, Temecula Heights, Ocean Beach, Mission Bay, Old Town San Diego, Point Loma, Mission Valley, Hillcrest ares of San Diego.

Visit us! We’re committed to providing total vision care

Our Optometrists


Christine Thiem


Our Location

We’re conveniently located off Sports Arena Boulevard, right next door to Phil’s BBQ in the Midway District. There’s tons of parking and an accessible stall right in front of our door. Same day appointments available! Welcoming new patients.

Our Address

  • 3750 Sports Arena Blvd.,
    Suite 9
  • San Diego, CA 92110

Contact Information

Our Blog

How to Prevent Retinal Detachment

Eye Health

Retinal detachment can often be prevented. Protecting your eyes at all times, following a healthy lifestyle, and regular eye exams are essential steps. It also helps to know the signs of something wrong so you can seek immediate help when needed. […]

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March 21, 2025
Total Vision

Eye Swelling: Should You Use a Hot or Cold Compress?

Eye Health

Hot and cold compresses are two tried-and-true remedies that are accessible and effective. 

However, the type of compress you will find more helpful depends entirely on the cause of your eye swelling: cold compresses better reduce swelling caused by infection or trauma, while warm compresses better relieve pain from swelling. […]

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February 14, 2025
Total Vision

Can I Wear Contact Lenses in the Pool?

Contact Lenses

Can I wear contact lenses in the pool? 

The short answer is no—it’s not safe to swim with contact lenses due to risks like infections and eye irritation. […]

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January 22, 2025
Total Vision
An optometrist holding a small model of the human eye to show how it works.

Retinal detachment can often be prevented. Protecting your eyes at all times, following a healthy lifestyle, and regular eye exams are essential steps. It also helps to know the signs of something wrong so you can seek immediate help when needed. […]

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Against a pale blue background, a pre-teen holds a blue cold compress against a single eye to relieve swelling

Hot and cold compresses are two tried-and-true remedies that are accessible and effective. 

However, the type of compress you will find more helpful depends entirely on the cause of your eye swelling: cold compresses better reduce swelling caused by infection or trauma, while warm compresses better relieve pain from swelling. […]

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Smiling swimmer in a black cap adjusting their goggles at the side of the pool.

Can I wear contact lenses in the pool? 

The short answer is no—it’s not safe to swim with contact lenses due to risks like infections and eye irritation. […]

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