In our visually intensive world, we often hear about the importance of focusing our eyes. But what about the benefits—or potential risks—of letting them unfocus?
Unfocusing your eyes properly can actually be beneficial, but it’s important to do so properly in order to protect your vision and eye health. This blog will explain the benefits and drawbacks of unfocusing your eyes, and will discuss how your eye doctor can help you alleviate discomfort in your vision.
What Happens When You Unfocus Your Eyes?
Think back to a time in your life when you were extremely burnt out and tired. Do you remember feeling like you had to work extra hard to keep your eyes focused?
Unfocusing your eyes, also known as “daydreaming vision” or “relaxed focus,” involves intentionally allowing your eyes to relax their focus on a specific object or point. Sometimes, when our bodies are exhausted, our eyes will unfocus by themselves.
This practice shifts your vision from a sharp, focused state to a more diffuse, softer focus. It’s akin to shifting your attention away from immediate details and into a broader, more relaxed perceptual state.
Benefits of Unfocusing Your Eyes
- Eye Strain Relief: Constantly focusing on screens and detailed tasks can lead to eye strain. Unfocusing periodically may help relax the eye muscles, and may therefore also help reduce strain.
- Stress Reduction: Unfocusing your eyes allows them—and, by extension, your mind—to relax. This can be a form of mental break, and may result in reduction of overall stress levels.
Potential Drawbacks
While unfocusing your eyes can have benefits, there are considerations to keep in mind:
- Impact on Visual Acuity: Constant unfocusing may affect your ability to see sharply when needed, such as when driving or reading fine print or engaging in other precise vision tasks.
- Reduced Concentration: In environments requiring sustained focus, such as during work or study sessions, unfocusing too frequently might disrupt concentration.
- Eye Health Concerns: For individuals with underlying eye conditions like astigmatism or presbyopia, excessive unfocusing might exacerbate symptoms.

How to Unfocus Your Eyes Safely
Practice Mindful Vision
Set aside time to intentionally unfocus your eyes in a comfortable environment. This could be while you’re taking a break from using a computer, or simply while you’re observing nature. You can start slowly by practicing the 20-20-20 Rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20 second break, and stare at something 20 feet away. Doing so will help alleviate symptoms of eye strain.
Blink & Breathe
Combine unfocusing with conscious blinking and deep breathing to further relax eye muscles and promote overall relaxation. Allow your eyes to slowly, gently unfocus on their own. Forcing unfocused vision can be uncomfortable.
Monitor Your Comfort Level
Pay attention to how your eyes feel during and after unfocusing sessions. If you experience discomfort or worsening symptoms, consult an eye care professional.
Are Your Eyes Unfocused or Is Your Vision Blurry?
Unfocused eyes are not the natural state. Typically, your eyes should focus without additional effort on your part. If you’re finding your vision blurry or uncomfortable, or if you’re having trouble focusing, you should visit your eye doctor.
Blurry, uncomfortable vision can usually be treated with a comprehensive eye exam and corrective eyewear. However, at the same time, blurry and uncomfortable vision can sometimes indicate deeper issues with your eye health. This is why you should see your eye doctor regularly, as well as whenever you notice changes in your eye—it’s important for maintaining your long-term health.
Should I Visit My Eye Doctor?
If you’re experiencing changes in your vision or eye comfort, or if you haven’t been to the eye doctor in the last one or two years, you should book a comprehensive eye exam. Beyond ensuring that your vision is clear, eye exams help protect you against other systemic conditions and diseases.
Your Vision Deserves Clarity & Comfort
Balance is the key to much in life. Controlled unfocusing incorporates moments of relaxed focus into your routine, while also ensuring you maintain clear vision when needed.
Total Vision Sports Arena encourages exploring holistic approaches to eye health and wellbeing. Discover more ways to care for your vision and overall wellness today by booking an appointment with our team. Whether you’re facing eye strain, vision issues, or other eye-related concerns, our eye care professionals are here to help.